There was a grand graduation ceremony organised to send out the forth (4) batch of gradants from the centre of benevolent computer literacy Tiko Cameroon baptized “Batch of Speed”. After the just ended internship/industrial experience, by the student, they wrote their report in the form of the national format for a national diploma and presented, a seminar workshop was organised to speed up studies and to complete the schemes work and syllabus effectively. Thereafter, preparation for the graduation.
Students were sent to prepare for graduation and come back two days before graduation to collect robes. Contacts were done to the D.O, Mayor, Chief, Region leaders and to some other administrative key personnel to ascertain their presence on the day of the graduation on the 24th September 2016. Preparations were done for the venue, hiring of robes, preparation of food and drinks, invitation. All was put in place and there came the day of the graduation the 24th day of September, 2016.
On the day of the graduation we had the assembly of the student and staff on time but the ceremony started late due to arrival of the representation of the D.O AND MAYOR who came late because of other state administrative commitment. But as soon as they arrived the occasion started at 11am and the programmed was followed to the letter. We had key animators like the famous acapela choir group base in Tiko “the Glory Drop” and a handicap /physically challenge musician based in Tiko; Yakobo Yamoto who spiced the programmed and brought relaxation in the ceremony. As we had the ceremony going with peace and happiness. Opening prayer was made by the Principal Mr. Ndange Cyprian thanking GOD for the academic year and invoking the Holy spirit to enable the ceremony carry on with love, peace and understanding and to grant the students a future of bliss so that they can be responsible to worship God honourably all the days of their lives.
Suit was the speech of the C.E.O Mr. NDUMBE STEPHEN who threw light on the objective of the centre, problems plaguing the centre. HE made known to public what the centre has been doing since creation 2011. And the meaning of GLONETA and why the name. At the end the crowd supported the speech and idea with aplauses and shout of joy.
As the ceremony unfold, next on the roastroom was the Mayor of Tiko Council representated by the Chief of Missellele chief MBOLLO PATRICE who explained how Mr. NDUMBE has been working tirelessly to see that the Council partner with GLONETA and succeeded that’s why we have accommodation in the former council building. He promised to make efforts for the Tiko council to give GLONETA more rooms for classes. HE expressed joy and satisfaction with what he has seen all together.
On the part of the representative of the D.O, our sister MBONE VERONIQUE was happy with the centre and said government is supporting the idea of technology in computer and agriculture as the back bone of the nation technology in computer/I.C.T is making the world a global village especially to the physically challenged and less privilege, makes Tiko a town without beggars on street and engaging the youths in serious business than idleness which could resort to criminal acts. She was quiet please and called on the parents to send their children to GLONETA.
Moving on, the Principal of the school Mr. Ndange Cyprian made his speech and presented the students for graduation. The 22 students for graduation who made themselves present were presented. 15 were those who studied secretarial duties and 7 studied maintenance and networking and C-programming. The students said the graduation pledge and were graduated by the Principal who ask them to change their tarcel from left to the right.

Before this the student representative read his speech on behalf of his classmate expressing the problem of a need for classroom ,more computers and encouragement to the teaching staff to make a better place of study. Some testimonies were made by some graduates who already are employed and others have opened their petty documentation units. The prayer of the centre is to enable the students become responsible citizens

While the occasion was chaired by the representative of the D.O, the representative of the mayor, the representatives of the chief of Tiko by Mr. Monika Mbua Paul and Woka Joe, the man of God apostle T.T. Tambe and other people of good will who found it necessary to witness the occasion like Teachers of Basic and secondary Education; from school where we carried out ICT lessons to empowered the youths with the knowledge of the usage of androids, palm tops, i-phones etc. examples of such teachers were : Madam Oloh Lucia, Head teacher of Saint Andrews Anglican Nursery and Primary school Tiko and Mrs. Ewusi Frida, Head teacher of G.S Motombolombo 1 amongst others who sat in for the Inspector of Basic Education Tiko; Mrs. Ndango Elizabeth. Follow their observation and remarks.

The administration of the school who has been working tirelessly to see the success of the graduation was equally all present to give the occasion the colour it deserves. The students were in their beautiful robes green and red. Follow the report of the Dean of studies, Mr. Eboa Johnson.

The graduation was filled with alot of fanfare and pictures as the family members came to support their children friends graduate from the computer literacy centre in Tiko. A thing which is like a day dream to be in Tiko in reality. There was joy and alot of picture taking

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